fredag 14 november 2014

D at Shinjuku Blaze

On Thursday I went to D's  release concert for Kingdom at a sold out Shinjuku Blaze.

I planned on seeing D in 2012 but ended up not getting a ticket, which was one of the worst decisions I ever made, because I love Namonaki mori no yumegatari which was released then, so I decided to try my best getting a ticket for their tour, but they didn't have any Tokyo gigs during my stay :P So when I saw this release concert I was very happy and acctually went to Lawson 3 minutes after the release of the tickets. I got ticket B-7, which I thought was a great number (it usually is). This was not :P

I've never been to Shinjuku Blaze but with a little googling I saw that it has the capacity for 800people. I arrived just on time, because I had to go pay a visit to Closet Child eventhough I go there about once a week :P and I acctually got myself a copy of D's Dark Wings, with Tsunehito's trading card *_*

I seriously bet about 500 people was lining up outside of Shinjuku Blaze, that's how crowded it was! I listened very carefully as they called out the numbers, and when they were betweek A 150-200 I felt like it would be my turn soon....but NO. I have no idea what kind of system D has but A tickets acctually went all the way up until 600! There went my "great ticket"...

I try not to go to the merch table before concerts because I just want to get a good place, so I squeezed my way to the middle on the left side somewhere, and D was a bit late I might add :P I hate waiting especially when you stand with 800 people.

Finally the venue got dark and the new PV for Shuuen -uchuu e no kai ki- began to play on a screen. I have to say, wtf happened to D's PV's? XD I'm sorry but it doesn't really make it for me with all these western people and random storylines I don't get. Asagi handed over a baby to some old guy, Tsunehito was some sort of princess, HIDE-ZOU played guitar, Ruiza was some overnatural being and Hiroki was almost dead or something, I have no idea what was going on, but the song was suprisingly good. I usually don't like D's slow songs, but this really had a bit of that extra.

I got kind of hyped, seeing the shadow of HIDE-ZOU, and then finally the concert began for real.
They played all the songs from Kingdom straight up, so I only recognised the singles, and I have to say Dark Wings was pretty awesome live. Even if I like certain bands, if I haven't seen them live I have no idea what movements the band wants people to do, but D was pretty good with guidance XD (Like when Asagi demands the crowd to bow with his handmovement)

I was lucky though, since this was a completly new album and most of the people had not heard it yet (Asagi asked if some had listened to it yet and some acctually raised their hands...), so they told us a lot of what they wanted us to do during certain songs. Best part was when Asagi said HIDE-ZOU would show saru no dansu (monkey dance), he looked so adorable, and it was fun seeing Asagi laugh for a change.

To be honest I don't really have any idea which member in D who's the most popular among fans. In the west it seems like Asagi (of course) and Tsunehito has a lot of fans, so I was kind of suprised to notice that people seemed to be shouting for everyone equally, and that Hiroki had a lot of fans because he seems a bit forgotten among western fans. It was also highly amusing to listen to the 2 "older" women (around 30-40) behind me who commented on how cute Ruiza was as soon as he came to the front on the stage.

Hiroki had a pretty interesting drumsolo, and later the other members, except for Asagi, joined him in a really great performance.
They ended with Shuuen -uchuu e no kai ki- and then they went off but of course people shouted for an encore so we got to hear old favorites like Night Ship D (I felt so bad for not having flags T_T), Eden and of course Toki no Koe! I've seen live videos of Toki no Koe so many times and it looks awesome live, so I was very happ they played that, it was just as fun IRL as in the videos *_*

They took a lot of time to wave good bye to everyone, that was sweet of them. Tsunehito was very energetic all evening, he even headbanged his minihat off :P He came to the front of the stage a lot, encouraging people to shout, and I have no idea if he doesn't care or just doesn't think about it, but he often puts one leg on the speaker and since his skirt for the Kingdom look is short on one side we got to see all of his cute tiny tigh (I'm curious if those at the front row saw up to his underwear...what underwear does he have under all of those fluffy skirts...)
My fangirlheart was completly melted by HIDE-ZOU this evening though. He was so adorable, and sososo much prettier IRL than on the promophotos! I really don't get the overphtoshoped pictures of all VK bands, they look so much better IRL! I mean how can anyone say no to:

The concert itself was really good, it was not as much fun to get out of Shinjuku Blaze though :P I still hadn't used my drink ticket and I tried to aim for the bar, but there were so much people I was sort of pulled away... and then I looked at the line for the merch and just felt paniced so I just left... I really wanted to get the Kingdom pamphlet =( but I can't stand that much people in that small venue.
Eventhough I enjoyed them, I felt like most of the songs on Kingdom just didn't do it for me. I'll of course listen to it again, but yeah, sorry but I felt a bit meh.

I'd love to see D again, but I doubt that will happen since they'll go on hiatus next year... so I'm happy I at least got this chance!

Next up is ZIZ in 2 weeks!

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