lördag 18 oktober 2014


Today me and a friend went to Kichijouji! It's twn outside of Tokyo (it's part of Tokyo but Tokyo consists of many small "towns"). I've never been there before, and I can tell it won't be the last time, I really enjoyed it. They have this big BookOff, and I just love those stores. I did some shopping there aswell! I got my first Pokémon game, books and a LOT of socks!

But, one of the most important things was to find the Lindt café! I'm not really a fan of japanese chocolate to be honest, so when my friend told me about this café I got really excited, and it was just as nice as I expected.


I can really recommend everyone to check this out when you're in Tokyo, it had a really nice atmosphere and the chocolate was delicious :3 A bit expensive, but it was totally worth it. 
We walked around the station for quite some time and I've never seen so many shops selling socks and so many restaurants with pizza on the menu! (seriously, pizza feels kind of rare in Japan...)
I had a lot of fun today, I miss just doing random shopping, I rarely do that at home since we barely have any interesting stores :P

I just realised I totally missed taking any pictures of the actual city...

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