fredag 24 oktober 2014

Back on Odaiba

I first went to Odaiba in 2011, and it became one of my favorite places in Tokyo. It's an artifical island, so IMO it feels a bit more quite than other parts of this metropolis (I acctually enjoy the busy streets, but it's nice to see some quiet places from time to time).

For some weird reason I did my sightseeing and never came back XD Until last night! I was going to the Japan Night event at Zepp Tokyo Divercity, and since I was a bit late I couldn't really enjoy Odaiba like I was hoping I would, but it was an amazing feeling to step out from the trainstation and look out over the beautiful view! It's so pieceful and yet so futuristic. The buildings look very modern, and seeing the big ferris wheel painted in different neonlights really made my night.
I promised myself I have to go back and enjoy it for a whole day before winter has arrived.

Tomorrow I'll be going to Kamijo's Halloween event! I'm very much looking forward to this. (I'll be seeing Schwarz Stein again!!!) and on Sunday I'll be going to the final gig on Jupiter's tour! (going to 3 concerts in 1 week is exhausting... really, but I'll sleep all Monday)

I didn't have time to take photos, but I finally found the Gundam robot! (yeah it's huge so how did I ever miss it....)

(ow yeah, I was so impressed by a band called サカナクション (sakanaction) last night! They played some sort of electronic rock, awesome, check the video out below!)

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