lördag 20 september 2014

Saturdaynight in Shinjuku

We had a class today eventhough it's saturday :P so with all the afternoon free I and a friend went to Shinjuku! I mentioned it before, but I love Shinjuku! To me, Shinjuku shows the perfect image of (what I'm guessing) most people assume of Tokyo. Lots of tall buildings, lots' of neon and big screens, and of course lots of people! For the first time in my life I went to karaoke XD I hate singing so I've avoided that as much as possible, but it seemed like a fun thing to do, and it was to be honest XD The only band they had, and which I know the lyrics to, was BUCK-TICK, so now I'm well prepared for their concert next week XD
I also got myself a ticket for Schwarz Stein's one man live at Shibuya Rex on the 3rd of november, so if anyone wants me to get them something from the concert you can leave a comment here!
I'm so happy I got a good number too (7), hopefully I'll make it to the front row so I can stand before Hora again <3

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