Previously I wrote about my visit to the Alice in wonderland restaurant in Shibuya (I also visited the ones in Ginza and Ikebukuro later, I highly recommend the one in Ikebukuro, very beautiful!).
Anyway, the same chain which has the Alice in Wonderland restaurants also have a Vampire restaurant in Ginza. I saw a flyer for it when I attended the above so I figuered I had to go!
I was meeting up with a friend and we didn't have any specific plans so I mentioned I wanted to go there and off we went!
She had been there before so she even knew one of the guys in the staff. In the entrance was a moving skeleton and drapes covering the entrance. A waiter from the staff showed us to our table and we were handed their menu, which was shaped as a coffin! Also, when our waiter came I felt like I had seen him before, and the more I tried to sneak a peak at him while he explained the menu I felt more and more certain I did remember him and from what... I'm not gonna say who it is I think, or believe it was, but I can say that people who are into small VK bands should pay a visit...
It's very dark in this restaurant, so unfortunately I didn't get any good pictures because my camera is kind of bad. (The images which looks creepy light, it's just my flash XD)
Just like at the Alice restaurants they gave us an appetizer, some sort of japanese potatosalad with a cracker shaped as a lizard. Now to the interesting part, their menu...
I always get so excited at places like these because the menus are amazing! They had a special, time limited menu (I guess they update that every month or so), in which I found this amazing cocktail.
I don't really remember what was included because it's been such a long time since I went (I need to update more frequently...) BUT, it was topped with rosepetals and to get the red color, an injection was put on the side, so you got to squeeze it in yourself. I do remember it was very tasty and fun though, so it was worth the 700yen it cost.

For my maincourse I had black pasta! Again, my camera suck, but on top of the pasta was a cracker shaped as a skull, and in some kind of powder (might it have been powdered cheese?) "DEATH" was written and a scythe was drawn. Another waiter came with the food, in a long, black hooded cape (I couldn't see his face, but I bet it was another bandman, huhuhu), and he poored the black ink on my food as he served. The pasta was just regular pasta with creamy sauce and octopus rings (I'm not sure what it's called acctually, but hopefully you get what I mean). It was tasty, not the most amazing food, but like always, at theme restaurants I don't expect Michelin class food.

Since the cocktails were so awesome and not that expensive I decided to ahve another one of the timelimited ones for my dessert and got the above. The flavour was of berries and it was topped with a tiny rose and an edible eyeball (made of jelly). It was also glowing adding a fun touch to it. Both me and my friend are Malice Mizer fans, and since I love Közi we thought I should take a picture with the eyeball in my mouth XD (Easier said that done, I almost unintentionally bit it off since it was all soft, hohoho).
So, the desserts, my friend had the above chocolate cake. Amazingly enough after served, they put it on fire! I regret not having this, because it looked great!
Being kind of full, I decided to have the smaller tiramisu. It seems Japan loves tiramisu, but having had European, and above all Italian tiramisu, it can't be compared. (Until this day I still haven't had a satisfying tiramisu in Japan...).

The atmosphere was great, just look at the amazing pictures above from the restroom! On the side of the sink, was a head, and the walls was covered in blood. When google:ing for this restaurant I found some reviews on various rating websites, and their rating was kind of low. This is unfortunate I think. I also think that many of the bad reviews was more about language barrier than the acctual restaurant. I want to straighten something out. First of all, I want to mention that I am not a globetrotter, I've traveled a lot but within Europe, outside of Europe I've only been to 3 different countries (severeal times though), so I'm for most part used to being able to use English. However, many places outside of Europe, or the US, don't have the same level of English as you might be used to. That being said, you can't expect everyone to be able to speak English everywhere you go. This restaurant, and many others in Tokyo, aren't necessarily made for tourists, alot of japanese people come here and therefor they might not have staff which understand that much English. So instead of giving them bad reveiws I think people should try and think about the language and cultural barrier.
That being said, I highly recommend this place, like always, it's worth it's price just being there. About the prices, the original cocktails cost around 700-1000yen, maincourses 1000-2000yen and desserts 700-1500yen (of course there are even cheaper and more expensive but this is a rough estimation). The vampire restaurant is located in Ginza, please have a look at their website below for directions. Also, they recomend you to reserve a table, however it is not possible for people who do not have a japanese phonenumber. Although, I would say these places usually don't get packed, so the chance is high to get in, especially if you get there early.